August 16 Close

Art by Brian Cole

Art by Brian Cole

Nehemiah 11:1-12:26;  1 Corinthians 10:14-11:2;  Psalm 34:11-22;  Proverbs 21:14-16

A rumpled heap of emotions lay

on the floor, tossed there by

one who feels the loss

of love,

of protection,

of care,

of worth.

Tears sprinkle down,

darkening the hurts.

The broken heart still  beats,

but slowly.

Till the One whose heart bled for all

stoops and scoops the broken heart

to soothe  it with His love.

He who was “crushed for our iniquities”

now comes to save.

He binds the broken heart

and leaves His peace.


“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”  Psalm 34:18

Lord Jesus, you tenderly care for those with bruised and battered spirits.  Please be with all those today who are struggling with a broken heart.   Give them faith and hope and love.  Let them feel your loving arms around them.  If they suffer because of guilt from sin, let them be assured of your forgiveness.  If they suffer at the hands of others who mistreat them, please come to their rescue.  If they suffer from being alone, fill them with your presence.  Thank you for your healing, saving power in our lives.  In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.


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